I, Robot (Trailer 2004)

I, Robot (Trailer 2004)

It's the year 2035, and the community now has the help of robots. These robots have three laws integrated into their system. One, they cannot harm a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. Two, they must do whatever they're told by a human being as long as such orders don't conflict with law one. Three, they have to defend themselves as long as such defense doesn't conflict with laws one or two. One day, the writer of the three laws, Alfred Lanning, apparently jumps out of the tenth-floor window of US Robotics. The majority of the Chicago Police Department believe that he committed suicide, but Detective Del Spooner (Smith), who hates robots, thinks he was murdered, and the number one suspect is a Nestor Class-5 robot who calls himself Sonny. However, if it was Sonny, then that means he would've had to have broken the three laws. With the help of Dr. Susan Calvin, Spooner must now discover the truth before it's too late.


ロボット兵達の反乱・・・とかだったらなんだそのアイ,ロボットみたいな話 #ラピュタが滅びた理由を考えよう

アイザック・アシモフ、と聞いて何をした人なのかわかる人は今の日本どれくらいいるんだろう? あるいは、人名かどうかも分からないような有様なのだろうか? 鉄腕アトム、アイ・ロボットに引用されたロボット三原則のおかげで多少は知られていると思いたい。個人的にはアザゼルとかの方が好きだけど


@kurenaino_buta ターミネーター、もしくはアイ・ロボットが象徴的ね。

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