Craig Ferguson 3/8/11D Late Late Show Catherine Deneuve

Craig Ferguson 3/8/11D Late Late Show Catherine Deneuve

Craig chats with the legend that is Catherine Deneuve from "Potiche"...2 words: The Hunger
Una vez le escribí una carta a Catherine Deneuve. Como no me contestó; me hice una paja, después, le envié mi semen. 9 meses después parió.

RT @EstroncioAgusti: Una vez le escribí una carta a Catherine Deneuve. Como no me contestó; me hice una paja, después, le envié mi semen. 9 meses después parió.

@sarahchang Oh what I'd give to have the figure to wear a plunging back Catherine Deneuve type dress =)

Holy moly, Catherine Deneuve was absolutely stunning back in the day #Repulsion

@clarafavilla Muito obrigado Clarita : ) Fiquei curioso para conhecer a irmã da Catherine Deneuve : )

If you haven't seen Umbrellas of Cherbourg yet, you haven't lived. Catherine Deneuve is stunning and Michel Legrand's music is breathtaking.

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