History of Heibon Punch Magazin Published THE POLICE PHOTOGRAPHY BY AKIHIRO TAKAYAMA

History of Heibon Punch Magazin Published THE POLICE PHOTOGRAPHY BY AKIHIRO TAKAYAMA

heibon punch magazin 800" did published 1980 in japan. the police did japan tour 1980. photographer akihiro takayama did took photograhs in the police . 1980 in japan the police photography by akihiro takayama were did published on magazin heibon punch 800th.. weekly punch magazin were realy top pop culture magazin in japan since 1964 started history... closed 1988. The Police were an English rock band formed in London in 1977. For the vast majority of their history, the band consisted of Sting (lead vocals, bass), Andy Summers (guitars) and Stewart Copeland (drums). The Police became globally popular in the late 1970s and are generally regarded as one of the first New Wave groups to achieve mainstream success, 1980 world tour to japan. 1981 japan tour again. playing a style of rock that was influenced by punk, reggae, and jazz. Their 1983 album, Synchronicity, was number one on both the UK Album Chart and the US Billboard 200, and sold over 8000000 copies in the US. The group disbanded in 1984, but reunited in early 2007 for a one-off world tour lasting until August 2008. The Police have sold more than 50 million albums worldwide, and were the world's highest-earning musicians in 2008, thanks to their reunion tour. -------------------japanese------------------- 平凡パンチ誌 第800記念号詳細 1980年 編集人 小平恒郎 / 発行人 伊勢田謙三 / 編集部 加藤明利 他多数の伝説をもつ編集者・文化人・作家陣。 写真クレジット heibonpunch.digiweb.jp 表紙 かとうかずこ / グラビア 紗貴め ぐみ ...


12/20(火)開店してます。無笛記念日。デパート開業の日。 五味康祐(小説家、「喪神」で第28回芥川賞受賞、他代表作「柳生武芸帳」)生誕90年。



直感は過たない。過つのは判断である。 (【12月20日】五味 康祐(作家))

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