Show Me Your Genitals

Show Me Your Genitals

A song for the ladies by Jon Lajoie.
RT @TheGirlsAdvice: Just show her that you care.

RT @joaomarcio: um especial do roberto carlos em diadema daí roubam a perna mecanica acaba o show na segunda musica mto triste

@twhiley14 I come home tomorrow!!! but come over Tuesday night with DAT girl hannahh banana. who knows maybe @JacquiDurgz should show up;)

RT @Umm_Its_Jrishia: Anywho.. Bout to send a #TwitPic to show off my bangin ass body lls

Time for the anual Christmas card trashing, tv show bashing, and rants about little people #merrychristmasnana

Y hoy un borracho y un heladero se pusieron a pelear en la esquina de la casa de mi abuela.. Botella partida y todo.. Que show..

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