Original: 初音ミクUST: -no clue- Music: 黒うさP Video: youtu.be Doburi's Author may have made the UST but i don't think it's his work, all he did was copy the VSQ (or so i read) so i left the ust with no clue so anyway, Kyoune Kuroi's cover of Senbon Zakura, i know the art is slightly off with her outfit and all... but it was all i could come up with, i couldn't draw the hat properly ok -,- and doesn't she sound like a cat playing piano when she reaches the high notes? o___o it's still surprising to me that she can reach the high notes like that... i think my ears rang a couple times... 凶音黒い © Me Original Line-Art + Colour xkuroi.deviantart.com Voice bank download http Media Used: PAPER♥MATE PACER 500 0.5mm JAPAN Faber-Castell 48 Classic Colour Pencils Derwent STUDIOS 36 Colour Pencils UTAU - 歌声合成ツールAudacity 1.3 Beta (Unicode) Photoshop CS4 Portable Sony Vegas Pro 11

アークザラッド(Arc The Lad) 遺跡ダンジョンその9
地下50階VSちょこ。おそらくアークⅠで一番強い敵キャラでしょう。アクセサリーで防御力を上げていないと大ダメージを受けます。両サイドの宝箱は大したアイテムは入っていなかったはずなので、全部取っていません。 ちょこを倒した後、再び地下50階に行くと・・・? その8→www.youtube.com

お金がないっ OP動畫
<FONT color=#000000>お金がないっ的OP動畫</FONT><BR><BR><FONT color=#0000ff>OP「Romance way」<BR>唄:ISSEI </FONT>

The Ring Virus - Official Trailer
The trailer for the Korean movie "Ring" (Better known as The Ring Virus in the rest of the world). If you see this anywhere else, I had it first!