NES Bubble Bobble HAPPY END PLAY1/5 バブルボブル クリア1/5
PART1 PLAY. One player controls two characters. PLAYER - SEABOOK
【JR東日本】(WMV720 HD) 総武線 E231 各駅停車 幕張駅
参照 Wikipedia→ 中央・総武緩行線(ちゅうおう・そうぶかんこうせん)は、東京都三鷹市の三鷹駅から、同都千代田区の御茶ノ水駅を経由して千葉県千葉市中央区の千葉駅までを各駅停車で結ぶ、東日本旅客鉄道(JR東日本)の運転系統の通称である。三鷹駅 - 御茶ノ水駅間は中央本線の、御茶ノ水駅 - 千葉駅間は総武本線の一部である。 旅客向けの案内では「中央・総武線」「中央・総武線(各駅停車)」「中央線・総武線各駅停車」などが使われる。
Natsuki Crisis Battle Game Sample - SFC (Japanese)
Original Air Date: June 15th, 2009 Natsuki Crisis Battle is an obscure Super Famicom (Japanese SNES) fighting game based off of an obscure manga and anime (simply called Natsuki Crisis). The manga and OVA centers around an aspiring martial artist, Natsuki Kisumi, her transfer student friend and rival Takaoka Rina, and the confrontations the two face from other fighters and shady figures connected to Rina's past. This game attempts to follow the order of the manga and OVAs (particularly the OVAs), but doesn't do a great job at it. The effort is there, but the execution could certainly have been better. Due to the play mechanics and somewhat sparse details for a game of its time, I can't say it's much more than average. Natsuki Crisis Battle is your standard one-on-one fighting game with fairly typical modes, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to explain them. In Story mode, you play only as Natsuki, and she fights people progressively as she might have in the show. Naturally, in the beginning, Natsuki can't fight with all her power in Story mode and fights in her school outfit until later donning her martial arts wear. The story segments are kinda rushed but offer just enough to show that they are based off of events from the manga/anime (such as Kandori hurting Rina and Natsuki and Kandori fighting in the rain). Vs Battle is just as it sounds. You can fight against the computer or a human. This mode is good for learning the tactics of the computer, which you'll need a little ...
FFX-2 TA 3:24:08(no-save) 20/21
シューイン戦。 おまけバトルと思いきや、気合入れないと全滅します。 敵が狙うターゲットや、味方のクリティカル発生など、失敗する可能性があるので、相手が強烈な技を撃ってくる前に瀕死にし、クイックトリガーをぶち込みます。
放送室CD-BOX 高須光聖インタビューその1
TOKYO FM系列で放送中の深夜ラジオ番組 待望のCD化! 10巻連続リリース! 10巻連続購入者にはプレミアム特典あり第一弾は2001年10月4日放送の第1回から第10回までを収録完全生産限定 10枚組CD-BOX 5775円(税込)/525分収録/YRCN95021~30