www.v-message.co.jp 2009年2月20日発売。このDVDにはそれらの「尺イワナ」たちとのやりとりが一部始終収められています。迫力ある映像とすばらしい魚体をお楽しみ下さい。それ以外にも思わず唸ってしまうようなバイトシーンを数多く収録。(84min) 制作 有限会社ビデオメッセージ発売元 株式会社キロワールドアウトドア・キャンプ用品激安通販 http
TAMIYA ミニ四駆PRO 小径vs.大径 完走動画
【エクスフローリー】小径タイヤ・ハイパーダッシュPRO・超速ギヤ:N-03,MS-L,T-03 【アバンテMk.II】大径タイヤ・トルクチューンPRO・超速ギヤ:N-03,MS-L,T-03 といったセッティングでの走行風景です。
2 Jesus & Shroud of Turin
Jesus & the Shroud of Turin [6 parts] In 1898, Secondo Pia was the first man to photograph the Shroud of Turin, the burial cloth believed to have covered Christ's body after the Crucifixion. Pia made a startling discovery: his photography plate revealed the detailed image of a man. The shroud had created a photographic negative of the face and body of Christ. This video examines skepticism over the shroud's authenticity, debunking scientists who recently claimed that it could not be more than 600 years old. Those who believe in its authenticity trace its origins to a much earlier date. On the Friday of the Crucifixion, Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus prepared the body of Jesus for burial in the garden tomb, first rubbing the body with aloe and myrrh, then wrapping it in the large burial shroud. On Sunday morning Mary Magdalene discovered the empty tomb and raced to tell the disciples. Peter and John rushed to the tomb and saw only the shroud lying on the stone slab. From that time the shroud began its long journey around the Mediterranean to Turin, Italy, where it has drawn millions of pilgrims for centuries. Even now, as a new millennium dawns scientists have found there is still much we don't know about this, the most celebrated and controversial artifact in the history of Christianity. If you are a cynic, this video will challenge your skepticism. If you already believe, it will strengthen your faith.
JALあす会社更生法を申請 株は投機的な動き(10/01/18)
日本航空は19日に会社更生法の適用を申請し、法的整理の手続きに入ります。日航株には18日も投機的とみられる売り買いが交錯し、株価は6円と7円の間を行き来しました。 ・・・記事の続き、その他のニュースはコチラから! [テレビ朝日ANN NEWS] www.tv-asahi.co.jp