hunting quails with Hera nise english setter

hunting quails with Hera nise english setter

hunting quails with Hera nise english setter
"if I ain't a trending topic, I'm a fuckin trend setter"-Weezy

RT @tjsayshello: Have a sickkkk time in morocco @rosella_ayane , you lil jet setter xxxxx

and a leopard jacket with army pants like fuckin why? where is YMCMB ..I think he thinks he is a trend setter aint nobody following doe

RT @BieberingAConda: After Justin started saying 'swag' everybody started saying it. See, Justin is like the trend setter of all trends.

@kateofspade Look at that! 'Famous Last Words' is trending! You trend setter, you. #LookWhatICanDo

Huh, but we livin' much better now Rolls Royce Ghost, Burberry sweater now Hermes purse, Learjet-setter now

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