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現場で椅子がわりに使っていたりして、底面が傷付いていたのですが、これで大丈夫かな?長く使うには付けた方がよいと思います! ダイワ(Daiwa) CP ふんばるマン 885072 関連情報
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真・女神転生IV FINAL 公式設定資料集+神話世界への旅
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Presumably to the mind of everyone who is reading ‘Moby Dick’, the book raises the question; why did Melville deliberately sacrifice the grip he had got on his readers by pausing here and there to write chapters dealing with the natural history of the whale, its size, skeleton, amours and so forth? One who reads it must often find oneself wondering whether one is reading a novel or a treatise about whales. In fact, the statements about whales are more than the main story of the novel in amount. Why did Melville did such an outrageous act which everyone finds it hard to understand?Montgomery Belgion said that since it is a tale of pursuit, and the end of a pursuit must be perpetually delayed, Melville wrote the statements about whales to do so.Somerset Maugham said that like another self-educated man, he attached an exaggerated importance to the knowledge he had so painfully acquired and could not resist the temptation to parade it.At the risk of sounding arrogant, let me tell my opinion. I think that from the experience of having worked as a sailor in whaling ships for a considerable period of time, he was so connected with whales. You know, in those days, sailors had to be very close to a whale with a harpoon in their hands on a unstable boat and had to a scuffle with it, unlike nowadays when sailors shoot the harpoon like a gun from the deck of their ship. I think that whales were worthy opponents with equal terms for the sailors in those days.No one who has occupied himself with Melville has failed to notice that he was of a pondering turn and conscious of it. “I am of a meditative humor”, he wrote in ‘White Jacket’, “ and at sea used often to mount aloft at night, and seating myself in one of the upper yards, tuck my jacket about me and give loose to reflection.”Taking into account the means of killing whales in those days and his mental inclinations, I am not surprised that he looked upon whales as his friends. He knew that his style of writing would not please the public and the critics, but he could not bring himself to focus only on the story of human beings no matter how hard he tried to do so because the whales were so dear and important to him.But curiously enough, what lifts ‘Moby Dick’ out of the ordinary is such a writing style of the writer. If this book had been written with the Ahab revenge story focused and the statements about whales neglected, it would have been more exciting, but not so profound as the book is now. The Ahab story is interesting in itself, but when it is thrown into the vast Melville Universe, it has become much more interesting. Regardless of Melville’s intention, it begins to walk alone with a new meaning. It seems as if the Universe gives our miserable human beings occasion to realize our insignificance in comparison with the prodigious greatness of the Universe. Moby-Dick 関連情報